Mom-taphorical Journey of Mind Development

Motherhood is a journey unlike any other, one that transforms us from the moment we welcome our newborn into the world. It's a journey that parallels a mindset evolution, where we navigate uncharted territories, adapt to new roles, and discover depths of resilience we never knew we possessed. In the realm of positive parenting, managing the first three years of motherhood can be likened to a transformative journey of mindset development.

Year One: The Birth of a New Mindset

The first year of motherhood is a whirlwind of emotions, challenges, and profound changes. It's like stepping into a new realm where the rules are different, and the stakes are higher than ever before. Overnight, our lives shift focus entirely onto our newborn, and we find ourselves thrust into a role for which we feel wholly unprepared.

In this initial phase, we grapple with a lack of knowledge and experience, feeling as though we're stumbling blindly through uncharted territory. Despite the lack of formal education on parenting, we adapt our minds to the capacity of learning about being a mother. We learn on the job, gaining insights, skills, and instincts as we navigate the unpredictable terrain of motherhood.

Year Two: Finding Joy Amidst Challenges

As the second year unfolds, we begin to find our footing. While challenges still abound, we start to feel a sense of confidence in our ability to keep our little ones alive and ourselves afloat. We've adjusted to the idea of change, and though we may still feel uncertain at times, we've grown more comfortable in our roles as mothers.

Whether we're single mothers or have a support system in place, the second year brings a semblance of stability. We're more adept at managing the demands of motherhood while carving out moments of joy and connection with our children. It's a year of growth, resilience, and learning to embrace the journey with open arms.

Year Three: Embracing the Hard Work with Grace

By the time we reach the third year of motherhood, we find ourselves back on track to the person we were before, albeit with a newfound depth of wisdom and resilience. The toddler years present a unique set of challenges, requiring us to be emotionally available, patient, and endlessly supportive as we guide our children through life's early lessons.

This year tests the limits of our patience, our energy, and our resolve. There are moments of exhaustion, overwhelm, and doubt, but in the midst of it all, we find strength in the simple mantra, "I can do this." It's a reminder of the incredible feat we've accomplished in bringing a human into the world and a source of motivation to persevere through the toughest of times.

As mothers, we are uniquely equipped to handle the trials and triumphs of raising children. We may falter, we may stumble, but we rise again with renewed determination and unwavering love. In moments of chaos and uncertainty, we remind ourselves that we were made for this task, and there is no one better suited to it than us. With each passing day, we grow, we learn, and we embrace the beautiful journey of motherhood with grace and gratitude.


Weart2 Studio is a design, web development  and art company that began operations in early 2014 in Miami, Florida. We have experience in visual arts, web development, online user interface experience using different technologies and  modern design architecture . In the field of graphic design, we specializes in corporate identity, Art Direction and print media.

Vulnerability: The Power of Authenticity in Parenting


Mom's Guide to Teaching Life's Meaning